Customer Attributes User Guide


Customer Attributes will help you run more focused marketing campaigns and increase sales significantly. Thanks to this module, it helps provide the neccessary information to support the order management process and customer management. Maybe you will need more fields than the fields provided by the system such as adding custom attributes to the Customer Account Create, Customer Account Edit, Customer Address Registration, Customer Address Edit and Checkout in the customer's account, this will help you find out your client's personal preferences and location, age, or any additional information. This is a great feature of Mageplaza Customer Attributes extension.

Download and Install

- Download the module
- How to Install

How to configure

From the Admin Panel, go to Customers > Attribute

1. Customer

How to create new Customer Attributes

- Step 1: Enter full informaiton about Customer Attributes into Properties
- Step 2: Fill titles in Manage Labels to replace Attributes name that you want to show on the store
- Step 3: Enter the information into Storefront Properities to display Attributes at the store position you want

Step 1: Enter full informaiton about Customer Attributes into Properties

From the Admin Panel, go to Customers > Attribute > Customer, chọn Add New Attribute

1.1. Attribute Properties

- Default Label:
- Enter the name for Attributes. The Attributes name will be displayed while you enter the data
- Be a required field to enter a value that is not allowed to be empty. If you leave it blank, the notification will be shown: "*This is a required field*".

- Input Type: Select the input type. For the Upload Image, it can be uploaded in .gif, .jpg, .png formats. Options include:
- Dropdown:

- Multiple-select: Customers can choose many options at the same time

- Multiple-select with image: Show more Image columns in Manage Options. Customers can choose many images at the same time

- Single Select With Image: Choose the Image. Display more Image columns in Manage Options

- Media Image, Single File Attachment: Show Choose File button to upload the image or the file attachment from the laptop

- Date: Display more Calendar box. Click on the Calendar box to choose the time

- Yes/No: The Default Value field will be shown under Yes/No

- Text Field: Display more Input Validation field to verify the input of Default Value

- Text Area: Display the Default Value field under the text

- Content:

- Value Required: Choose Yes so that this is a required field to enter the value, choose No so that it's not a required field. If it's a required field, an icon will display in the left of the attribute *

1.2. Manage Options

Manage Options only displays when you choose the Input Type as Dropdown, Multiple Select, Multiple Select With Image, Single Select With Image.

- Choose Add option to add options and it will show along with Attributes you create. Delete button is to remove the option.
- You can enter the title into the store field that you want to show to replace that option

1.3. Advance Attribute Properties

- Attribute Code:
- Enter the Attribute code. This field is used internally. Make sure you do not use spaces or more than 30 symbols.
- If you leave blank, the default value is based on Default Label field.

- Default Value:
- Enter the value for the Default Value field. The value you enter will be displayed along with the Attributes you create in the - Customer Account Create section.
- This field depends on the choice of the Input Type field

- Input Validation:
- Select input validation type. This field will be displayed only when Input Type is set to be Text Field.
- Validate the input of the Default Value according to the choice of the Input Validation field. Options include:

- Add to Customer Grid: Choose Yes to add the attribute into Customer Grid. The column will be added into Column options, Filter Option & Search Option of Customer Grid.

- Add to Sale Order Grid: Choose Yes to add the attribute into Sale Order Grid. The column will be adeed into Column options, filter option & search options of Sale Order Grid

1.4. Depend Fields

- Select Field Depend: Show the attributes when you select Input type as Dropdown and Single Select With Image. Thí field will display on the Frontend, admin customer form and admin checkout. Some attributes are available in the system as:

- Value Depend:
- Choose the value for Value Depend field
- This field depends on the option of created attributes and choose the attributes of Select Field Depend field. This section will help you expand the options.

: The display of attributes that you have created depends on the option selection.

Step 2: Fill titles in Manage Labels to replace Attributes name that you want to show on the store

Fill the titles in the Store fields that you want to show. The title will replace the Attributes name that you have created when entering the data. If you leave this field blank, the default attributes name is that you set in the Default Label field.

Step 3: Enter the information into Storefront Properities to display Attributes at the store position you want

- Show on Storefront: To display the attributes on Storefront, choose Yes. For the attributes are included in the system, you cannot edit the remaining fields in the Storefront Properties.
- Customer can edit: Choose Yes so that customers can edit the attributes
- Store View: Choose Store View that allows Attributes to diplay. For unselected store views, attributes will not appear
- Customer Group: Attributes only shows on the selected customer group.
- Show on forms: Show the forms on your store with some options:
- Customer Account Create:

- Customer Account Edit:

- Admin checkout:

- Sort Order:
- Enter the order number that you want to use to sort the attributes. If you leave this field blank, the default order number is 0.
- The smaller the order number, the higher the priority.

2. Customer Address

How to create new customer address attributes

- Step 1: Enter full informaiton about Customer Address Attributes into Properties
- Step 2: Fill titles in Manage Labels to replace Attributes name that you want to show on the store
- Step 3: Enter the information into Storefront Properities to display Attributes at the store position you want

Step 1 and Step 2 are similar to the step 1 and 2 as above. You can refer it.

Step 3: Enter the information into Storefront Properities to display Attributes at the store position you want

The only difference of the Customer Address for the Customer function is that in this step 3, only the Show on Forms field has different display options. The remaining fields correspond to how to create a customer that we has guided you above.

- Show on forms: Show the forms on your store
- If you have installed Mageplaza One Step Checkout extension, it will show the One Step Checkout page that helps you checkout quickly and conveniently with only one page.

From the Admin Panel, go to Store > One Step Checkout > Manage Fields, drag Attributes to the Sorted Fields column that you want to show on the One Step Checkout.

- Also, there're 4 options for you to choose:
- Customer Address Registration:

- Customer Address Edit:

- Frontend Checkout:

- Admin Checkout:

Updated on: 11/06/2019

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