Order Export User Guide


Mageplaza Order Export extension can make the export process automatically with the information as orders invoices, credit memos, shipments based on Cron scheduler. It allows you to export profiles to file formats such as CSV, XML, Excel XML, TXT, TSV, and Json. Available additional Magento 2 objects for export include: Order, Invoice, Credit Memo, and Shipment. Profile after you generate will be sent to the server by FPT/sFPT or sent to any email that admins want. Besides that, this helps you to save more time and money to quickly export the profiles. This extension promises to be the best exporting solution for Magento shop owners. Mageplaza Order Export is definitely a must-have tool of your Magento store.

How to configure

From the Admin Panel, go to
Sales > Order Export

Admins can export the profile by 4 ways:

Manual: Go to Manage Profiles > Edit Profile, Click Generate. After the file is generated, go to Donwload link to download file
Cron: Profile is generated based on Cron: After a long time, profile will auto-generate the file content. After refresh, go to Download link to download file
Quick Export: Easy to export quickly order/invoice/memo/shipment in Sales > Order/Invoice/Memo/Shipment
Command: Use the command: php bin/magento orderexport:generate. After the profile is generated the content, go to Download link to download file

1. Configuration

Go to Sales > Order Export > Configuration

- General:
- Enable: Choose Yes to enable this module and display in the Sales section

- Email Alert:
- Enable: Choose Yes to enable email notification for store owners
- Send to:
- Enter the email to send the notification
- Allow entering many emails. These emails are separated by commas

- When:
- Choose the events that when it occurs, the email notification will be sent
- Allow choosing many events simultaneously

2. Manage Profiles

2.1. Grid

- This is a place where all the profiles are stored
- From the Grid, admins can capture the basic information of the Profile such as ID, Name, Object, Status, File Type, Run Mode, Created Date, Generated On and Action can be done with Profile.
- In the Actions dialog, admins can perform the following actions:
- Delete: Admins needs to tick the profile that they want to delete, then select Delete in the Actions (upper left of the Grid) to delete. A confirmation dialog will appear, select OK to continue deleting.
- Generate: Admins need tick tick the Profile that they want to generate data, then select Generate in the Actions dialog (top left of Grid) to Generate. A confirmation dialog will appear, select OK to confirm the data re-creation. Note that Profiles can be created or overridden on previous generated profiles that depend on the admin's choice in the profile.
- Change Status: Admins need to tick the profile they want to change the status, then select Change Status > Enable/Disable1 in the Actions dialog (top left of the Grid) to change. A confirmation dialog will appear, select OK to confirm the change.

- In the Action column, Admins can perform the following actions:
- Select > Edit: Go to the Edit Profile page to edit the information
- Select > Download: Download the profile

- In addition, Admins can Filter, Change Store View, hide/show Columns, Export Grid or edit inline.

2.2. Add New/Edit Profile Order form

To create a profile, admins need to do some following steps:
- Step 1: Enter the full information in the General section
- Step 2: Choose the template type
- Step 3: Add the condition for export profile
- Step 4: Set the mothod to send the exported file
- Step 5: Check the update history of the exported file

2.2.1. General

- From the Admin Panel, go to
Sales > Order Export > Manage Profiles

- Choose Add New Order
- General Tab

- Fill in the name displaying in the Grid Profile for the export type
- Status: Choose Enable so that Profile can auto-export based on Cron or Command
- File name: Set the file nam when it is exported. File name will be shown as soon as it is downloaded
- Add timestamp to file name: Choose Yes so that when you you download, the file name will auto-add the file downloading time into the file name.

For example: File Name is OrderExport. If Add timestamp to file name = yes, when you download the file, the file name is OrderExport_20181020_132054.xml
- Private Download URL: the system will auto-create Download URL after Save. Download URL will have Secret key if possible. Anyone who has a Private Download Url can download the export file.
- Secret Key: Created a 32 character string when admins click on Reset Key. Secret Key will be automatically added to Private Download Url after Save.
- Number of order exports: After Generate, the system automatically updates the exported order number. These orders must satisfy the condition of the profile.
- Schedule:
- Auto run profile:
- Select No to Generate manually (Manual): Admins need to click Generate to export file
- Select Yes to make the file automatically generate according to the cron schedule set below

- Cron schedule: Set the interval between each Generate automatically

2.2.2. Template

- Choose the file format. There're 5 formats: TXT, CSV, XML, Excel XML, TSV (table-delimited)
- Click on the Load Default button to display the template content that we have installed in the Template field. Admins can configure the Template as they want with ease.
- For the file format is XML, Excel XML, JSON:

- Template Content: The template content is shown in this field. Admins can edit the template here
- Add values to the template by clicking on the Insert Variable button
- After adding the template content, admins can click Download first 5 items to download the example about the file content

- For file format is CSV, TXT, TSV:

- Export Type:
- Loop order: If you choose this format, when the file is exported, it will repeat the order with each item as a line

export type

- Not loop order: If you choose this format, when the file is exported, it will not repeat the order. Each order is a line, items will be listed on that line

- To add attributes, admins can click on the Add button and choose Value to add into the template
- Select the character separating the fields when exporting the file in the Field Separate field
- Select the character that surrounds the fields when exporting the file in the Field Around By field
- To get the header field when exporting the file, select Yes in the Include Field Header field
- Click Preview to see an example of file content

2.2.3. Conditions

- Choose the condition to export the file. Any order that meets the conditions will be exported. If all fields (except Store Views field) are empty, all orders will be exported
- Order Status: The orders with the selected status will be exported
- Customer Groups: Orders placed by selected customers will be exported
- Store Views: The orders placed on the selected Store view will be exported
- Change order Status: After generating profile, the exported orders will change status to the selected item. Admins can go to Sales > Operations > Order to check
- Create From - To: The orders placed during this time will be exported
- Order ID From - To: Orders with IDs in the selected range will be exported
- Export Duplicate: Select No so that the export file overwrites into the old file. However, if the file name has a timestamp add, the file is always created newly.

2.2.4. Delivery

- Upload to a remote server:
- To export the exported file to the server, select Yes in the Delivery field
- Select the file sending the file in the Protocol field: FTP or SFTP
- For FTP protocol, there is an option to use Passive Mode. We recommend that you choose this mode to avoid being blocked by firewalls/NATs/proxies from sending files to the server.

- Enter the host name in the Host Name field
- Enter the host name in the User Name field
- Enter the password to access the host in the Password field
- If you want to save the file where to enter the path in the Directory Path field.
- To check whether it is connected to the host, press Test Connection

- Email:

- Select Enable so that Admins can receive email with attached export file when the profile is delivered
- Admins can select one of 5 available Magento Senders to be the sender, including: General Contact, Sales Representative, Customer Support, Custom Email 1, Custom Email 2
- Email Subject: Fill the subject for email
- Send Email To: Enter the email that admins want to receive notification when uploading file to the error remote server. You can enter multiple emails separated by commas ,
- Email Template:
- Extension is pre-installed Email notification
- To change Email Template, Admins can create another Email Template under Marketing > Email Template.
- How to create a new Email Template here

- HTTP Request

- Choose Enable = Yes to send the file by HTTP Request via URL that is filled below
- Admins can add Headers to clarify about HTTP Request

2.2.5. History

- Check the update history of exported files. Admins can check the update history of the file in Logs.

: Creating Profile of Invoice, Credit Memo, Shipment is similar to create profile of Order. However, they don't have change Order Status section.

3. Manage Export Logs

This section will record all changes of profiles as status, type, notification, etc. When licking on any file, it will auto-download the file.

4. Quick Export

- To export quickly, admins need to create a profile for the object they want to export (Order, Invoice, Memo, Shipment)
- Admins can export any order they want without caring to the condition of the Profile
- The exported file will retrieve the type and template from the selected profile.

5. Email Notification

5.1. Email notification about Generate/Delivery successfully or fail

5.2. Email notification when sending the exported file uploaded successfully

Updated on: 11/06/2019

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