Thank You Page User Guide


With the help of Mageplaza Thank You Page, you can impress your customers with ease. They can completely check their orders including various information such as order number and status, order date, shipping address, payment method, and so on. This will help the customers know that they have successfully placed orders. Also, it helps customers feel your respect and concern. Moreover, you can insert useful information into the Thank You Page such as coupon, product slider, FAQ, and social sharing buttons that allow customers to share with their friends. This gives customers many interesting benefits during the payment process. It is a great way to bring satisfaction to grumpy customers. More interestingly, this is a way to promote your brand in the memory of the customer.

We also support the Newsletter Success page with similar features.

How to use

1. Display Thank You Page after customers complete the order

2. Display Thank You Page after customers click on subscribe

How to configure

From the Admin Panel, go to Marketing > Thank You Page > Configuration

1. Configuration

1.1 General Configuration

- Enable: Select Yes to enable the module

- AddThis API key
- Enter the key of AddThis to refer to the friends via AddThis

1.2 Order Success Page

- Enable: Select Yes to show Thank You Page after customer placed orders
- Route
- Add the route for Thank You Page
- If you leave this field blank, the default route applied is: mpthankyoupage

1.3 Newsletter Success Page

- Enable: Select Yes to show Thank You page after customers click to subcribe
- Route
- Add the route for Thank You Page
- If you leave this field blank, the default route applied is: subscribe

2. Manage Templates

2.1 Order Success Page

2.1.1 General

- Name
- Enter a name for the template
- This is a required field

- Status: Select Enable to use the template

- Store Views
- Select storeview to apply the template
- You can choose multiple stores once

- Customer Group(s)
- Only customers of the selected group can see the product that has been applied to the rule
- You can select multiple groups at the same time

- Priority
  - Enter the priority order for applying templates
- The smaller the number, the greater the priority. If different templates have equal priority, the priority will be considered by ID

2.1.2 Condition

- Select the condition to apply the rule
- You can set the conditions for the Cart or Product section like: Subtotal greater than 50, Total Items Quantity less than 5 ...

2.1.3 Display

- Select Style:
- Choose the style for Thank You Page
- The default style is Simple Style

- Custom Style:
- Custom Style = Use Default Style:

- Page Title:
- Enter the title for Thank You Page
- The default title is Thank you for your purchase

- Page Sub-title:
- Enter the sub-title for Thank You Page
- The default Sub-title is Your order has been placed and will be processed as soon as possible.

- Page Description:
- Enter the information that needs to display on Thank You Page
- The default information is *Your order number, Amount, Order Create at
- You can use many availale variblies by clicking on Insert Variable link
- Support HTML

- Show Continue Shopping Button: Choose "Yes" to display Continue Shopping button
- Enable Block(s):
- Choose the block that displays on Thank You Page as Order Details, Social Sharing, Coupon, Register Account Form, Subscribe Email Form
- Multiple blocks can be displayed at the same time.

- Custom Style = Edit Default Style:

- Load Template button: After clicking on this button, the code of the selected style in Select Style field will be loaded and displayed on Page HTML field and CSS of the selected style is also loaded and displayed on the Custom CSS field.
- Page HTML:
- Allow editing the code of the selected style
- You can use the available variablies that we have supported by clicing on the Insert Variable link

- Custom CSS: You can edit the color, font text, etc of the selected style

- Static Block 1:
- Choose Static Block that will display on the Thank You Page
- Static Block 1 = No display: This means that there're no any block to display on Thank You Page

- Static Block 2:
- Choose Static Block that will display on the Thank You Page
- Static Block 2 = No display: This means that there're no any block to display on Thank You Page

Coupon Block

- Select Rule:
- Choose the rule (The rule is created at Marketing > Promotions > Cart Price Rules)
- Only display the rules that have Coupon = Specific Coupon and use Use Auto Generation.

- Coupon Pattern:
- Enter the pattern for the coupon
- Coupon code after being created automatically will adhere to thí pattern
- If you leave this field blank, the default pattern is [12AN]
- How to create Pattern:

[4A] - 4 alpha, [4N] - 4 numeric, [4AN] - 4 alphanumeric.

For example: GIFT-[4AN]-[3A]-[5N] => GIFT-J34T-OEC-54354

- Coupon Label:
- Enter the label for created coupon codes
- The default label is Use this coupon code: <strong class="mp-coupon">{{ coupon.code }}</strong> to get <strong class="mp-coupon">{{ coupon.discount_amount }}</strong> on your next order
- You can use multiple available variables that are supported by clicking on the Insert Variable link
- HTML is supported

Product Slider Block

Mageplaza FAQ block

- Enable: Choose "Yes" to display FAQ on Thank You Page
- Title:
- Enter the title for FAQ
- The default title is Frequently Asked Questions

- Select Category:
- Choose Category to apply for displaying FAQ
- For example: choose Select Category = Category 1 of FAQ, then FAQ will be displayed at Category 1.

- Limit:
- Enter the number of FAQ that will display
- The default number of display is 5

2.2 Newsletter Success Page

2.2.1 General

- Name
- Enter a name for the template
- This is a required field

- Status: Select Enable to use the template

- Store Views
- Select storeview to apply the template
- You can choose multiple stores once

- Customer Group(s)
- Only customers of the selected group can see the product that has been applied to the rule
- You can select multiple groups at the same time

- Priority
  - Enter the priority order for applying templates
- The smaller the number, the greater the priority. If different templates have equal priority, the priority will be considered by ID

2.2.2 Display

- Select Style: Select the style for the Thank You page after the customer has subscribed

- Page Title
- Enter the title for Thank You Page
- The default title is Thank you for signing up!

- Page Sub-title:
- - Enter the title for Thank You Page
- The default title is Welcome you to our exclusive newsletters with every updates

- Page Description:
- Enter the information that needs to display on Thank You Page
- The default detailed description is:
You would be the first to reach our latest arrivals, news, events, various special promotions, giveaways and more.
Stay tuned and keep updated. All the best!
- HTML is supported

- Enable Block(s):
- Choose the block that displays on Thank You Page as OCoupon, Social Sharing
- Multiple blocks can be displayed at the same time.

- Static Block:
- Choose Static Block that will display on the Thank You Page
- Static Block = No display: Not allow displaying any block oon Thank You Page

- Mageplaza Product Slider:
- Choose the block of Product Slider extension displaying on Thank You Page
- Mageplaza Product Slider = No display: There're no any block to display on Thank You Page

- Custom CSS: You can edit the color, font text, etc of the selected style

Coupon Block

- Select Rule:
- Choose the rule (The rule is created at Marketing > Promotions > Cart Price Rules)
- Only display the rules that have Coupon = Specific Coupon and use Use Auto Generation.

- Coupon Pattern:
- Enter the pattern for the coupon
- Coupon code after being created automatically will adhere to thí pattern
- If you leave this field blank, the default pattern is [12AN]
- How to create Pattern:

[4A] - 4 alpha, [4N] - 4 numeric, [4AN] - 4 alphanumeric.

For example: GIFT-[4AN]-[3A]-[5N] => GIFT-J34T-OEC-54354

- Coupon Label:
- Enter the label for created coupon codes
- The default label is Enter coupon code: <strong class="mp-coupon">{{ coupon.code }}</strong> when you make your next purchase enjoy <strong class="mp-coupon">{{ coupon.discount_amount }}</strong> off
- You can use multiple available variables that are supported by clicking on the Insert Variable link
- HTML is supported

Mageplaza FAQ

- Enable: Choose "Yes" to display FAQ on Thank You Page
- Title:
- Enter the title for FAQ
- The default title is Frequently Asked Questions

- Select Category:
- Choose Category to apply for displaying FAQ
- For example: choose Select Category = Category 1 of FAQ, then FAQ will be displayed at Category 1.

- Limit:
- Enter the number of FAQ that will display
- The default number of display is 5

4. The guide to install the library

4.1. Install via composer

- Run the following command to install the library:

composer require liquid/liquid
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Updated on: 11/19/2019

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